Okay so, here we go.
Artists face their fears day after day. Some days the resistance to begin the work is so strong that they can barely bring themselves to step into the studio.
On those days, they must jump in and get messy. They trust that their momentum will lead them to the next step. And they’re willing to try without knowing where they’ll end up.
The beauty of a lifetime of making art is that you begin to desire not knowing how things will work out.
You begin to expect happy surprises with solutions you could have never imagined at the time.
Sure, you make your plans to get clarity. but you know the best stuff happens unexpectedly.
Resistance gets replaced by anticipation.
You anticipate the joy of letting yourself get pulled forward no matter what the outcome. Because you’re in love with the process of creating.
It starts by being willing to try. Be that making art, making a habit, or making a career. It’s all the same.
And so, there's a buttload you can learn from the creative process about how to live your life. Here goes...
Think of yourself as an artist. And think of your life as your masterpiece.
You show up every day with the intention of making your art your way. No matter how stuck or frustrated you may feel that day.
Because you’ve learned from experience to trust the creative process.
As a matter of fact, the more dedicated you are to making your masterpiece, the less you think about your fears.
You forget about not measuring up, failing, being rejected, or disappointing others. You let go of all that resistance. And you let yourself go with the flow.
And here’s why:
You’ve figured out that it’s not about YOU.
It’s never been about YOU.
It’s about surrendering to something greater than you. And trusting that your teeny tiny participation matters.
How does that make you feel?
Your creativity matters.
Okay, now you’re ready to read the juicy part.
But please continue to think of yourself as an artist and your life as your masterpiece.
Making art is inherently about not being afraid of getting it wrong. And the same goes for getting unstuck.
Remember, artists get unstuck by using momentum to their advantage.
So can you.
It’s about following your joy no matter what. And not getting stuck on figuring out HOW it’s all gonna work out ahead of time.
1. Anticipate joy: Are you having fun?
There is no right or wrong way to make your artwork. Have a grateful heart for what you’re creating. When you feel grateful and trust in the process, you’re in love with life.
And when you’re in love, you’re inspired. You feel purposeful.
When making art, it’s never about what you’re creating, but how you’re creating it. The same goes for life.

2. Get messy: Are you taking chances?
Let things get messy. It’s the first step to getting unstuck.
Remember that the bad paintings need to be painted. No bad paintings, no breakthrough. No mess, no clarity.
Things just get messy before they become clear. If you’re not messing up, you’re not taking any chances. And if you’re not taking any chances, you’re stuck.

3. Focus on what feels good: Are you using your power?
Your power to get unstuck is always in the present moment. Your focus creates and sets the direction of your momentum. And that’s your power. You get to choose what you think about.
You’re already in the habit of creating momentum. The question is, in what direction is your momentum moving? Focus on what’s feeling good.

4. Go downstream: Are you paddling upstream?
Stop thinking you need to prove yourself. Don’t complicate things. You don’t need to work harder to deserve what you want. You already deserve it.
Let yourself go downstream. And be curious about everything you discover along the way. The momentum you’re creating will take you where you need to go.

5. Get better as you go: Are you putting your joy on hold?
Whatever you’re working on may turn out great or it may turn out awful and it doesn’t matter one bit. Not one little bit. Because it’s all inspired.
It’s all part of the process of moving in the direction of your desires.
Truth is, you keep getting better as you go. So the idea of perfection is pretty much pointless.
You simply can’t get it wrong.

6. Play, play, play: Are you willing to try?
The difference between feeling stuck and feeling ease is in your willingness to try. It’s your attitude that counts. What matters most is your willingness to try something new.
Whatever feels “wrong” is just your next step.
You don’t need to know how or understand why things are working out for you. You can show up and try despite your fears.

Whenever we feel stuck, the trick is to use the action of creating momentum to our advantage. We can create momentum that carries us to new better-feeling thoughts.
Everything in life is a process. We can make big things happen in small steps. You can start today, wherever and however you are. Even just a little is enough. Every little bit counts.
Remember, making art is inherently about not being afraid of getting it wrong. And the same goes for getting unstuck. Smile.
Six ways to creating momentum:
1. Anticipate joy: Are you having fun?
2. Get messy: Are you taking chances?
3. Focus on what feels good: Are you using your power?
4. Go downstream: Are you paddling upstream?
5. Get better as you go: Are you putting your joy on hold?
6. Play, play, play: Are you willing to try?