Once upon a time, there was a goat with superhero tendencies named Luca.
Luca can eat anything, head-butt anyone, and make the best stupid-faces. Brutally honest and loyal to a fault, spending time with Stinky, Fifi, Elio, and Otto is the most important thing in the world to her. She just can’t imagine life without her best friends.
When one night Otto disappears, Luca and the gang have to deal with feeling helpless. Luca’s whole world starts to unravel as she watches her friends drift apart. Flooded by doubts and insecurities, they begin behaving in ways that she doesn’t understand. When her friends start listening to the grown-ups around them instead of her, she decides she’s had enough. She strikes out on her own to get Otto back and set things right again. What Luca figures out in the process is that her real superpower is her love, and that the only thing her happiness depends on is how much Luca likes being Luca.
Your happiness depends on how much you like yourself.
“Super Luca’s Glorious Twinki-Winki Adventure” is the story behind my brand name.
Yep, while writing a book, I decided on the name for my brand. That’s the creative process at work, don’t ya know. There I was writing the chapter where the kids in my story have this pivotal moment. Ya see it’s when they get all happy and sing the “Twinki-Winki” song together. And that’s when I realized that this moment was the whole point of my book. Yeah, that’s when the sparks went off. Because for the kids in my story, to “twinki-winki” means to shine like a star.
Twinki-Winki is all about giving yourself permission to shine.
Thinking you don’t deserve the good you desire is what keeps you from getting it.
I also realized that my story, my reason for creating art, and my purpose here are all one. It’s nothing more and nothing less than to start a Twinki-Winki revolution. Ha!
And the revolution starts here with me telling you that:
You are somebody.
And only you know who that is. And only you can show the world how to love you by loving yourself.
You can’t control what others think of you. You can only control what you think of yourself. And who you are is constantly evolving. It’s a good exercise to sit down and think about who you are and what you want.
Because you can’t like yourself if you don’t know yourself.
“Develop a relationship with yourself before any other selves. You are the key and door to you. Nobody else can rescue you if you don’t do it first. Don’t tell them how to love you, show them. And in the process fall in love with you.”
- Andrea Balt
Twinki-Winki products in this post:
For art prints go here: https://twinkiwinki.com/collections/wall-art