This Simple Self-Survey Helps You Boost Your Energy And Reclaim Your Time

How often do you catch yourself saying you don’t have enough time? Lots, right?

"I don’t have time" has turned into a little mantra we repeat so often that it keeps us feeling stuck in a rut. 

And get this, searching for ways to become more productive isn’t the solution. Nope, because what you perceive as a time management issue is actually about managing your energy.


The way you do energy is the way you do time.


So imagine if taking an honest look at your energy levels could set you on the path to having more time in your day. Take this self-survey and create an action plan to revitalize your energy. What have you got to lose?

At the very least, you’ll leave with some great ideas on how to boost your energy. 

Grab a piece of paper and a pen, and let's dive in!

Part 1. Self-survey: What drains you
Part 2. Self-survey: What boosts you
Part 3. Self-survey: Reality check
Part 4. Action plan: Your STOP DOING list
Part 5. Action plan: Your KEEP DOING list
Part 6. Action plan: Your START DOING list
Part 7. Reset yourself

A cute, cartoon-style green caterpillar with closed eyes, surrounded by a vibrant, abstract cloud of colorful brushstrokes, conveying whimsy.

Part 1. Self-survey: What drains you

Recognizing what zaps your energy is the first step toward making positive changes. Your energy leaks show up not only in activities but also in places and people that drain you. 

How would you answer the following questions?

1. What activities drain me?
Examples might be multitasking, cleaning, meal planning, vacation planning, shopping, accounting, commuting, attending meetings, writing emails, replying to messages, socializing, etc.

2. Who are the people that suck the life out of me?
Examples might include people who are complainers, grouches, pushy, needy, demanding, bossy, unappreciative, unsupportive, unkind, rude, stingy, etc.

3. What places leave me feeling completely exhausted?
Examples might be cluttered spaces, crowded spaces, shopping malls, etc.

Part 2. Self-survey: What boosts you

Some energy-draining stuff can’t be avoided, but you’re in much better shape if you discover your energy chargers. Your energy boosts show up not only in activities but also in places, and people

How would you answer the following questions?

1. What activities light me up and energize me?
Examples might be playing sports, journaling, reading, meditating, listening to music, taking a bubble bath, gardening, watching a movie, walking on the beach, taking a class, dancing, singing, socializing, etc.

2. Who are the people that make me feel like dancing?
Examples might include people who are enthusiastic, inspiring, optimistic, cheerful, supportive, joyful, funny, generous, kind, attentive, etc.

3. What places leave me feeling recharged and refreshed?
Examples might be museums, theaters, cafés, concerts, markets, churches, book clubs, swimming pools, parks, the woods, etc.

Part 3. Self-survey: Reality check

Now let’s take stock. How would you answer these questions?

1. How much of my time is spent doing activities that drain me vs. activities that light me up?

2. How much of my time is spent with people that suck the life out of me vs. those that make me feel like dancing?

3. How much of my time is spent in places that leave me feeling completely exhausted vs. places that recharge me?

Part 4. Action plan: Your STOP DOING list

Next, get specific. Think of a few things you can stop doing because they are seriously draining your energy.

Take special note if these activities are when you’re alone, with others, indoors, or outdoors.

Answer the following questions:

1. What activities can I spend less time doing?

2. What people can I stop hanging out with?

3. What places can I avoid going to?

Part 5. Action plan: Your KEEP DOING list

Now to the good news. What habits do you already have in place that boost your energy? Get specific. 

Again take special note if these activities are when you’re alone, with others, indoors, or outdoors.

Answer the following questions:

1. What activities can I keep doing?

2. What people can I keep hanging out with?

3. What places can I keep going to?

If you’re finding this a bit challenging, no worries. Check out this list of activities you might already be doing. Go through the list to help you brainstorm.


Spending time in nature
Physical therapy


Crafts and art-making
Playing games
Listening to music
Watching Movies
Learning - Books
Learning - Classes


Food prep
Healthy meals
Healthy drinks
Healthy snacks


Night-time routine
Listening to music
Journaling before bed

Part 6. Action plan: Your START DOING list

At this point, you hopefully recognize that by not doing some of the stuff that drains you, you make space to start doing stuff that boosts you.

Answer the following questions:

1. Do you spend more time charging your battery alone or with people?

2. Do you charge your batteries while doing your hobbies? If yes, name your hobbies.

3. Do you spend more time boosting your energy indoors or outdoors?

4. What could you start doing?
Come up with some ideas for spending time:
    • Alone
    • With your family and friends
    • Doing your favorite hobbies
    • Indoors
    • Outdoors
    • Moving your body
    • Eating healthy
    • Learning
    • Playing
    • Basking in nature

Think about any opportunities you may have to try something new. And when I say new, I don’t mean something you’ve never done before. I simply mean something that isn’t a part of your current routine.

Think back to your childhood, there’s a good chance there was an activity you absolutely loved that filled you with energy. Can you remember what it was? And is there a way to bring that joy back into your life now?


A whimsical, colorful butterfly with large eyes amid a vibrant swarm of multicolored butterflies, conveying joy and playfulness.

Part 7. Reset yourself

Your final step is to review your notes so far. Grab a highlighter if you want. Your goal is to get clarity on how you can take action today. Here’s what you’re looking for:

1. What are some ways you can do less of or avoid the activities, people, and places that drain you?

2. What are some ways you can do more of the activities, people, and places that boost you?

3. What are a few great ideas for how to increase your energy by trying something new?

Congratulations! You’ve done a buttload of self-discovery by taking this self-survey. Think of your results as a personalized self-care plan and start scheduling activities. Make a date with yourself or with a friend. Yay!

Keep in mind, that to stop doing anything is always harder than to start doing. Especially, if we’re talking about long-held habits, old friends, or ways of doing things. 


Begin with doing more of what’s already boosting you.


Then you can see what having more energy does for your mindset. You may find it easier to make better choices

Remember, the more you boost your energy, the more time you have to try new things. Smile.



It’s time to make the most of your time. And it all starts with taking a good look at your energy levels.

This simple self-survey helps you uncover activities, people, and places that drain you versus those that lift you up. As a result, you’ll get an overview of where you can make changes. Your goal is to get clarity on how you can take action today. 

What do you wanna stop doing, keep doing, and start doing to keep your energy levels high?

Whether it’s saying no to those energy-zapping activities, surrounding yourself with high-spirited people, or spending more time in places that recharge you, prioritizing your energy is how you get your time back. 

If you’re interested in what energy has to do with your personality and strengths, click here to learn more about How To Roll With Your Flaws: Turning Your Weaknesses Into Strengths.

And if you’re curious about getting your time back, click here to find out How To Find More Time To Be Creative: 6 Sneaky Energy Leaks That Steal Your Time.


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