Behind The Twinki-Winki Brand

Colorful and playful mixed media painting with toys, photos, drawings, and text on a red velvet background by Alex Mitchell.

Your Mojo For Getting Unstuck

Getting unstuck and living the life you want begins with liking yourself. Because the more you like being you, the more you thrive.

Your Mojo For Getting Unstuck

Getting unstuck and living the life you want begins with liking yourself. Because the more you like being you, the more you thrive.

Alex Mitchell cleaning bathroom sink, all dressed up in pink with her misfit attitude about feeling fab whenever she wants.

Fabulous Is As Fabulous Does

Fashion is a medium to express your own creativity. You want what you see in the mirror to match how you feel about yourself.

Fabulous Is As Fabulous Does

Fashion is a medium to express your own creativity. You want what you see in the mirror to match how you feel about yourself.

Fun snapshots of happy women wearing and using their colorful Twinki-Winki boa scarves, tote bag, and coffee mug.

Expressing Your Creativity Is An Act Of Self-Love

Find art that makes you feel good to be you. Let it delight your senses and lift your spirit. And then milk it daily for all it’s worth.

Expressing Your Creativity Is An Act Of Self-Love

Find art that makes you feel good to be you. Let it delight your senses and lift your spirit. And then milk it daily for all it’s worth.

Collection of paintings, sculptures, illustrations, and monster puppet by artist Alex Mitchell of the Twinki-Winki brand.

Artist Life Flashback

What I’ve been doing all these years has not been wrecking my life. Au contraire. I’ve been preparing myself.

Artist Life Flashback

What I’ve been doing all these years has not been wrecking my life. Au contraire. I’ve been preparing myself.

Doll head with flowers and candles that spell HAPPY on top. Tiny colorful toys and letters that spell MY WAY below.

Attitude Is Everything

All the good you want in your life starts by feeling good about yourself.

Attitude Is Everything

All the good you want in your life starts by feeling good about yourself.

Colorful crayon drawing of sad face with red hair and yellow crown and pink clocks floating above by Alex Mitchell.

How To Find More Time To Be Creative: 6 Sneaky ...

You've got time going down the drain, baby. That’s time you could use for self-care, learning, and nurturing your creativity.

How To Find More Time To Be Creative: 6 Sneaky ...

You've got time going down the drain, baby. That’s time you could use for self-care, learning, and nurturing your creativity.